Defined by the Gates of the two Suns and the two Earths, the Incarnation Crosses defined the path on which we need to walk. They are not a goal in themselves, but if we stray too far from this path we will never reach our goal. We obviously need to respect our Type and Authority when we are on this path. We also need to positively express our Channels and Gates energies as well as to understand the influence of our Centers definition. When we understand our Human Design and when we live it fully aligned, we become fully ourselves. While studying our Human Design, we quickly understand that there is no coincidence about who we are. We also become aware that our mind and the social pressure have steadily taken over who we really are, that our choices have not respected what our Authority and our defined centers below the Throat have told us. The first step on this path is to understand that our mind is only useful to find solutions and shouldn’t be use to take any decision. Have a nice journey on such a path!
Depending on your Profile, there are three kinds of Incarnation Crosses.
– The Right Angle Crosses for Profile 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6 and 4/6. There are 16 different Right Angle Crosses and each of them have four variations depending on the Gate of the Personnality Sun.
– The Juxtaposition Crosses for Profile 4/1. There are 64 different Justaposition Crosses depending on the Gate of the Personnality Sun.
– The Left Angle Crosses for Profile 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3. There are 32 different Left Angle Crosses and each of them have two variations depending on the Gate of the Personnality Sun.
01/02 | 07/13 : Right Angle Cross of The Sphinx (1/2 | 7/13)
01/02 | 04/49 : Juxtaposition Cross of Self-expression (1/2 | 4/49)
01/02 | 04/49 : Left Angle Cross of Defiance (1/2 | 4/49)
02/01 | 13/07 : Right Angle Cross of The Sphinx (2/1 | 13/7)
02/01 | 49/04 : Juxtaposition Cross of The Driver (2/1 | 49/4)
02/01 | 49/04 : Left Angle Cross of Defiance (2/1 | 49/4)
03/50 | 60/56 : Right Angle Cross of Laws (3/50 | 60/56)
03/50 | 41/31 : Juxtaposition Cross of Mutation (3/50 | 41/31)
03/50 | 41/31 : Left Angle Cross of Wishes (3/50 | 41/31)
04/49 | 23/43 : Right Angle Cross of Explanation (4/49 | 23/43)
04/49 | 08/14 : Juxtaposition Cross of Formulization (4/49 | 8/14)
04/49 | 08/14 : Left Angle Cross of Revolution (4/49 | 8/14)
05/35 | 64/63 : Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (5/35 | 64/63)
05/35 | 47/22 : Juxtaposition Cross of Habits (5/35 | 47/22)
05/35 | 47/22 : Left Angle Cross of Separation (5/35 | 47/22)
06/36 | 12/11 : Right Angle Cross of Eden (6/36 | 12/11)
06/36 | 15/10 : Juxtaposition Cross of Conflict (6/36 | 15/10)
06/36 | 15/10 : Left Angle Cross of The Plane (6/36 | 15/10)
07/13 | 02/01 : Right Angle Cross of The Sphinx (7/13 | 2/1)
07/13 | 23/43 : Juxtaposition Cross of Interaction (7/13 | 23/43)
07/13 | 23/43 : Left Angle Cross of Masks (7/13 | 23/43)
08/14 | 30/29 : Right Angle Cross of Contagion (8/14 | 30/29)
08/14 | 55/59 : Juxtaposition Cross of Contribution (8/14 | 55/59)
08/14 | 55/59 : Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty (8/14 | 55/59)
09/16 | 40/37 : Right Angle Cross of Planning (9/16 | 40/37)
09/16 | 64/63 : Juxtaposition Cross of Focus (9/16 | 64/63)
09/16 | 64/63 : Left Angle Cross of Identification (9/16 | 64/63)
10/15 | 46/25 : Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love (10/15 | 46/25)
10/15 | 18/17 : Juxtaposition Cross of Behavior (10/15 | 18/17)
10/15 | 18/17 : Left Angle Cross of Prevention (10/15 | 18/17)
11/12 | 06/36 : Right Angle Cross of Eden (11/12 | 6/36)
11/12 | 46/25 : Juxtaposition Cross of Ideas (11/12 | 46/25)
11/12 | 46/25 : Left Angle Cross of Education (11/12 | 46/25)
12/11 | 36/06 : Right Angle Cross of Eden (12/11 | 36/6)
12/11 | 25/46 : Juxtaposition Cross of Articulation (12/11 | 25/46)
12/11 | 25/46 : Left Angle Cross of Education (12/11 | 25/46)
13/07 | 01/02 : Right Angle Cross of The Sphinx (13/7 | 1/2)
13/07 | 43/23 : Juxtaposition Cross of Listening (13/7 | 43/23)
13/07 | 43/23 : Left Angle Cross of Masks (13/7 | 43/23)
14/08 | 29/30 : Right Angle Cross of Contagion (14/8 | 29/30)
14/08 | 59/55 : Juxtaposition Cross of Empowering (14/8 | 59/55)
14/08 | 59/55 : Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty (14/8 | 59/55)
15/10 | 25/46 : Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love (15/10 | 25/46)
15/10 | 17/18 : Juxtaposition Cross of Extremes (15/10 | 17/18)
15/10 | 17/18 : Left Angle Cross of Prevention (15/10 | 17/18)
16/09 | 37/40 : Right Angle Cross of Planning (16/9 | 37/40)
16/09 | 63/64 : Juxtaposition Cross of Experimentation (16/9 | 63/64)
16/09 | 63/64 : Left Angle Cross of Identification (16/9 | 63/64)
17/18 | 58/52 : Right Angle Cross of Service (17/18 | 58/52)
17/18 | 38/39 : Juxtaposition Cross of Opinions (17/18 | 38/39)
17/18 | 38/39 : Left Angle Cross of Upheaval (17/18 | 38/39)
18/17 | 52/58 : Right Angle Cross of Service (18/17 | 52/58)
18/17 | 39/38 : Juxtaposition Cross of Correction (18/17 | 39/38)
18/17 | 39/38 : Left Angle Cross of Upheaval (18/17 | 39/38)
19/33 | 44/24 : Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (19/33 | 44/24)
19/33 | 01/02 : Juxtaposition Cross of Need (19/33 | 1/2)
19/33 | 01/02 : Left Angle Cross of Refinement (19/33 | 1/2)
20/34 | 55/59 : Right Angle Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (20/34 | 55/59)
20/34 | 37/40 : Juxtaposition Cross of The Now (20/34 | 37/40)
20/34 | 37/40 : Left Angle Cross of Duality (20/34 | 37/40)
21/48 | 38/39 : Right Angle Cross of Tension (21/48 | 38/39)
21/48 | 54/53 : Juxtaposition Cross of Control (21/48 | 54/53)
21/48 | 54/53 : Left Angle Cross of Endeavor (21/48 | 54/53)
22/47 | 26/45 : Right Angle Cross of Rulership (22/47 | 26/45)
22/47 | 11/12 : Juxtaposition Cross of Grace (22/47 | 11/12)
22/47 | 11/12 : Left Angle Cross of Informing (22/47 | 11/12)
23/43 | 49/04 : Right Angle Cross of Explanation (23/43 | 49/4)
23/43 | 30/29 : Juxtaposition Cross of Assimilation (23/43 | 30/29)
23/43 | 30/29 : Left Angle Cross of Dedication (23/43 | 30/29)
24/44 | 19/33 : Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (24/44 | 19/33)
24/44 | 13/07 : Juxtaposition Cross of Rationalization (24/44 | 13/7)
24/44 | 13/07 : Left Angle Cross of Incarnation (24/44 | 13/7)
25/46 | 10/15 : Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love (25/46 | 10/15)
25/46 | 58/52 : Juxtaposition Cross of Innocence (25/46 | 58/52)
25/46 | 58/52 : Left Angle Cross of Healing (25/46 | 58/52)
26/45 | 47/22 : Right Angle Cross of Rulership (26/45 | 47/22)
26/45 | 06/36 : Juxtaposition Cross of The Trickster (26/45 | 6/36)
26/45 | 06/36 : Left Angle Cross of Confrontation (26/45 | 6/36)
27/28 | 41/31 : Right Angle Cross of The Unexpected (27/28 | 41/31)
27/28 | 19/33 : Juxtaposition Cross of Caring (27/28 | 19/33)
27/28 | 19/33 : Left Angle Cross of Alignment (27/28 | 19/33)
28/27 | 31/41 : Right Angle Cross of The Unexpected (28/27 | 31/41)
28/27 | 33/19 : Juxtaposition Cross of Risks (28/27 | 33/19)
28/27 | 33/19 : Left Angle Cross of Alignment (28/27 | 33/19)
29/30 | 08/14 : Right Angle Cross of Contagion (29/30 | 8/14)
29/30 | 20/34 : Juxtaposition Cross of Commitment (29/30 | 20/34)
29/30 | 20/34 : Left Angle Cross of Industry (29/30 | 20/34)
30/29 | 14/08 : Right Angle Cross of Contagion (30/29 | 14/8)
30/29 | 34/20 : Juxtaposition Cross of Fates (30/29 | 34/20)
30/29 | 34/20 : Left Angle Cross of Industry (30/29 | 34/20)
31/41 | 27/28 : Right Angle Cross of The Unexpected (31/41 | 27/28)
31/41 | 24/44 : Juxtaposition Cross of Influence (31/41 | 24/44)
31/41 | 24/44 : Left Angle Cross of The Alpha (31/41 | 24/44)
32/42 | 62/61 : Right Angle Cross of Maya (32/42 | 62/61)
32/42 | 56/60 : Juxtaposition Cross of Conservation (32/42 | 56/60)
32/42 | 56/60 : Left Angle Cross of Limitation (32/42 | 56/60)
33/19 | 24/44 : Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (33/19 | 24/44)
33/19 | 02/01 : Juxtaposition Cross of Retreat (33/19 | 2/1)
33/19 | 02/01 : Left Angle Cross of Refinement (33/19 | 2/1)
34/20 | 59/55 : Right Angle Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (34/20 | 59/55)
34/20 | 40/37 : Juxtaposition Cross of Power (34/20 | 40/37)
34/20 | 40/37 : Left Angle Cross of Duality (34/20 | 40/37)
35/05 | 63/64 : Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (35/5 | 63/64)
35/05 | 22/47 : Juxtaposition Cross of Experience (35/5 | 22/47)
35/05 | 22/47 : Left Angle Cross of Separation (35/5 | 22/47)
36/06 | 11/12 Right Angle Cross of Eden (36/6 | 11/12)
36/06 | 10/15 : Juxtaposition Cross of Crisis (36/6 | 10/15)
36/06 | 10/15 : Left Angle Cross of The Plane (36/6 | 10/15)
37/40 | 09/16 : Right Angle Cross of Planning (37/40 | 9/16)
37/40 | 05/35 : Juxtaposition Cross of Bargains (37/40 | 5/35)
37/40 | 05/35 : Left Angle Cross of Migration (37/40 | 5/35)
38/39 | 48/21 : Right Angle Cross of Tension (38/39 | 48/21)
38/39 | 57/51 : Juxtaposition Cross of Opposition (38/39 | 57/51)
38/39 | 57/51 : Left Angle Cross of Individualism (38/39 | 57/51)
39/38 | 21/48 : Right Angle Cross of Tension (39/38 | 21/48)
39/38 | 51/57 : Juxtaposition Cross of Provocation (39/38 | 51/57)
39/38 | 51/57 : Left Angle Cross of Individualism (39/38 | 51/57)
40/37 | 16/09 : Right Angle Cross of Planning (40/37 | 16/9)
40/37 | 35/05 : Juxtaposition Cross of Denial (40/37 | 35/5)
40/37 | 35/05 : Left Angle Cross of Migration (40/37 | 35/5)
41/31 | 28/27 : Right Angle Cross of The Unexpected (41/31 | 28/27)
41/31 | 44/24 : Juxtaposition Cross of Fantasy (41/31 | 44/24)
41/31 | 44/24 : Left Angle Cross of The Alpha (41/31 | 44/24)
42/32 | 61/62 : Right Angle Cross of Maya (42/32 | 61/62)
42/32 | 60/56 : Juxtaposition Cross of Completion (42/32 | 60/56)
42/32 | 60/56 : Left Angle Cross of Limitation (42/32 | 60/56)
43/23 | 04/49 : Right Angle Cross of Explanation (43/23 | 4/49)
43/23 | 29/30 : Juxtaposition Cross of Insight (43/23 | 29/30)
43/23 | 29/30 : Left Angle Cross of Dedication (43/23 | 29/30)
44/24 | 33/19 : Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (44/24 | 33/19)
44/24 | 07/13 : Juxtaposition Cross of Alertness (44/24 | 7/13)
44/24 | 07/13 : Left Angle Cross of Incarnation (44/24 | 7/13)
45/26 | 22/47 : Right Angle Cross of Rulership (45/26 | 22/47)
45/26 | 36/06 : Juxtaposition Cross of Possession (45/26 | 36/6)
45/26 | 36/06 : Left Angle Cross of Confrontation (45/26 | 36/6)
46/25 | 15/10 : Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love (46/25 | 15/10)
46/25 | 52/58 : Juxtaposition Cross of Serendipity (46/25 | 52/58)
46/25 | 52/58 : Left Angle Cross of Healing (46/25 | 52/58)
47/22 | 45/26 : Right Angle Cross of Rulership (47/22 | 45/26)
47/22 | 12/11 : Juxtaposition Cross of Oppression (47/22 | 12/11)
47/22 | 12/11 : Left Angle Cross of Informing (47/22 | 12/11)
48/21 | 39/38 : Right Angle Cross of Tension (48/21 | 39/38)
48/21 | 53/54 : Juxtaposition Cross of Depth (48/21 | 53/54)
48/21 | 53/54 : Left Angle Cross of Endeavor (48/21 | 53/54)
49/04 | 43/23 : Right Angle Cross of Explanation (23/43 | 49/4)
49/04 | 14/08 : Juxtaposition Cross of Principles (49/4 | 14/8)
49/04 | 14/08 : Left Angle Cross of Revolution (49/4 | 14/8)
50/03 | 56/60 : Right Angle Cross of Laws (50/3 | 56/60)
50/03 | 31/41 : Juxtaposition Cross of Values (50/3 | 31/41)
50/03 | 31/41 : Left Angle Cross of Wishes (50/3 | 31/41)
51/57 | 54/53 : Right Angle Cross of Penetration (51/57 | 54/53)
51/57 | 61/62 : Juxtaposition Cross of Shock (51/57 | 61/62)
51/57 | 61/62 : Left Angle Cross of The Clarion (51/57 | 61/62)
52/58 | 17/18 : Right Angle Cross of Service (52/58 | 17/18)
52/58 | 21/48 : Juxtaposition Cross of Stillness (52/58 | 21/48)
52/58 | 21/48 : Left Angle Cross of Demands (52/58 | 21/48)
53/54 | 51/57 : Right Angle Cross of Penetration (53/54 | 51/57)
53/54 | 42/32 : Juxtaposition Cross of Beginnings (53/54 | 42/32)
53/54 | 42/32 : Left Angle Cross of Cycles (53/54 | 42/32)
54/53 | 57/51 : Right Angle Cross of Penetration (54/53 | 57/51)
54/53 | 32/42 : Juxtaposition Cross of Ambition (54/53 | 32/42)
54/53 | 32/42 : Left Angle Cross of Cycles (54/53 | 32/42)
55/59 | 34/20 : Right Angle Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (55/59 | 34/20)
55/59 | 09/16 : Juxtaposition Cross of Moods (55/59 | 9/16)
55/59 | 09/16 : Left Angle Cross of Spirit (55/59 | 9/16)
56/60 | 03/50 : Right Angle Cross of Laws (56/60 | 3/50)
56/60 | 27/28 : Juxtaposition Cross of Stimulation (56/60 | 27/28)
56/60 | 27/28 : Left Angle Cross of Distraction (56/60 | 27/28)
57/51 | 53/54 : Right Angle Cross of Penetration (57/51 | 53/54)
57/51 | 62/61 : Juxtaposition Cross of Intuition (57/51 | 62/61)
57/51 | 62/61 : Left Angle Cross of The Clarion (57/51 | 62/61)
58/52 | 18/17 : Right Angle Cross of Service (58/52 | 18/17)
58/52 | 48/21 : Juxtaposition Cross of Vitality (58/52 | 48/21)
58/52 | 48/21 : Left Angle Cross of Demands (58/52 | 48/21)
59/55 | 20/34 : Right Angle Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (59/55 | 20/34)
59/55 | 16/19 : Juxtaposition Cross of Strategy (59/55 | 16/9)
59/55 | 16/19 : Left Angle Cross of Spirit (59/55 | 16/9)
60/56 | 50/03 : Right Angle Cross of Laws (60/56 | 50/3)
60/56 | 28/27 : Juxtaposition Cross of Limitation (60/56 | 28/27)
60/56 | 28/27 : Left Angle Cross of Distraction (60/56 | 28/27)
61/62 | 32/42 : Right Angle Cross of Maya (61/62 | 32/42)
61/62 | 50/03 : Juxtaposition Cross of Thinking (61/62 | 50/3)
61/62 | 50/03 : Left Angle Cross of Obscuration (61/62 | 50/3)
62/61 | 42/32 : Right Angle Cross of Maya (62/61 | 42/32)
62/61 | 03/50 : Juxtaposition Cross of Detail (62/61 | 3/50)
62/61 | 03/50 : Left Angle Cross of Obscuration (62/61 | 3/50)
63/64 | 05/35 : Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (63/64 | 5/35)
63/64 | 05/35 : Juxtaposition Cross of Doubts (63/64 | 26/45)
63/64 | 05/35 : Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45)
64/63 | 35/05 : Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (64/63 | 35/5)
64/63 | 45/26 : Juxtaposition Cross of Confusion (64/63 | 45/26)
64/63 | 45/26 : Left Angle Cross of Dominion (64/63 | 45/26)