Before explaining each Human Design Centers, I need to explain my particular colors choice in my Human Design Charts and Mandals. When I started programming the graphic part of my Mandalas, my main goal was to explain people that each planet in the Mandala is activating a Gate in one of the Center. To do so, having the same color for several Energy Centers, as it is in Human Design classic chart, was not convenient. With a different color for each Center, it becomes easier to make the connection between the Mandala and the Chart. With many people already knowing about the Chakras colors, it seemed obvious to me to do something similar by using two different greens for the G and Heart Centers, and two different yellows for the Splenic and Solar Plexus Centers.
Above, the color choice for the Centers and the way Gates of each Centers are disposed in the Mandala.
The Crown is a pressure center that expresses itself every time we ask ourselves questions about the “why” and “how” of life. This mental pressure is inspiring us to reflect, understand and make sense. Whether for everyday thoughts or for deeper reflections, inspiration is there to stimulate the Ajna to find answers. The Crown is neither for action nor for decision-making, but only for the constant stimulation of the imagination.
In anatomy, the Crown is related to the pineal gland in the brain that secretes melatonin and plays a role in our biological rhythms. Too much pressure on the Crown, in the form of unresolved questions and thoughts, can cause doubt and confusion and generate headaches or migraines.
The nature of your inspirations and how you manage them are related to the definition or non-definition of your Crown center in your Human Design chart.
In constant activity, the Ajna is the only consciousness center that is not connected to a motor center. It continually seeks to evaluate, prioritize, resolve and rationalize the inspirations and ideas captured by the Crown. Its role in everyday life is to help us the best it can, but it should not be used to take decisions. A mental decision brings only doubts and regrets because in case of failure, the mind pushes us to try another of the solutions it had considered and it does this indefinitely. Only our Authority can help us decide.
In anatomy, the Ajna is connected to the pituitary gland that Hindus and Buddhists call the third eye, and which serves to constantly send to the whole body, the information that keeps us alive.
How your brain processes information received by the Crown depends on the definition or non-definition of your Ajna.
The Throat is the only center of manifestation, the one that allows us to express our thoughts, ideas, needs, feelings, love… It offers us to communicate with others to share, create, learn, teach… and it is the crib of actions that seek to be realized. Each of the six energy centers connected to the Throat seeks to give life to its energy through speech, writing and action. Our well-being and the quality of our relationships will depend on our ability to communicate with others because our words and actions express our truth. But the capacity of creation of the Throat depends on the energies crossing it and the Gates that are active.
In anatomy, the Throat is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands that regulate our metabolism to keep us as healthy as possible. Fully and authentically expressing our own nature contributes to our well-being.
The way you express yourself, the ease with which you communicate and the manifestations you trigger depend on the definition or non-definition of your Throat Center.
The G is the center of identity, it tells us the direction to take and what we need to be happy and aligned with ourselves. Without this center, we would not be aware of our individuality because the G defines the limits of what we accept and what we do not accept. Like a magnet, it draws to us the experiences necessary for a fulfilling life but also for our spiritual evolution. The G contains all the energies of love, but with the help of this center we must first learn to love ourselves with our defects and qualities.
In anatomy, the G is associated with the liver which purifies our blood and which in Indo-European traditions is the seat of the soul.
How you assert your identity and how easily you find your way depends on the definition or non-definition of your G center.
The Heart is a motor center, it manages our will, our ego and the source of our courage, confidence and self-esteem. Material needs and our view on power, notoriety and money are treated in this center. The Heart must find the balance between the energy it expends for the good of others and the energy it must use for our own needs, a subtle mix between altruism and selfishness.
In anatomy, the Heart is obviously linked to the organ that is the source of our life, and to the digestive system. Overwork, lack of self-esteem, promises that are impossible to keep or actions that are not aligned with our nature are sources of heart or digestive problems.
Our willpower, our self-confidence and the energy we are able to deploy in a project depend on the definition or non-definition of our Heart Center.
The Splenic is a center of consciousness that, through its intuition, survival instinct and fears, analyzes the present moment to keep us alive. Always on alert to decode our environment, our five senses ensure our well-being by sending their signals to this center. As it is constantly in the present moment, the Splenic is a source of spontaneity, audacity, laugh and joy. However, it pushes us to live in our comfort zone and avoids fears that we don’t know. But knowing how to recognize our fears allows us to adapt and enjoy the present moment. The vibrational qualities of the Splenic also allow us to recognize from someone’s voice or vibration, whether there is compatibility with us or not.
In anatomy, this center is associated with the lymphatic system and the organ of the spleen that renews blood cells. In the lymphatic system that alerts us when our health falters, T cells attack any foreign body for our survival and health.
Our intuitive abilities, our fear management and our way of managing our well-being depend on the definition or non-definition of our Splenic Center.
The Solar Plexus is both a consciousness and a motor center. It allows us to connect with others through our feelings, sensitivity and compassion. The emotional waves crossing us allow us to explore joy, pleasure, passion, forgiveness but also to feel sadness, pain, distress and guilt. It’s because we tend to try to extend positive emotions and flee negative ones that the Emotional Clarity is the higher Authority, and only such a clarity can allow us to make a good decision and not act impulsively. In addition, to develop our emotional intelligence, we need to transcend our states of anxiety and emotional uncertainty.
In anatomy, this center is connected to the lungs, pancreas, kidneys and nervous system. This is why we tend to get sick when we feel too much emotion for too long.
The definition or non-definition of the Solar Plexus tells us how we feel emotions and how we should react to them. But whatever this definition, it is important to understand that our emotions do not define us, we only feel them.
The Sacral is a motor center that gives us the vital energy to endure the trials of life and ensure our evolution. It also communicates to us our sexual energy and it is very important for our fulfillment to remain in harmony with the sacred in our sex life. The Sacral is the center of the Generators and Manifesting Generators, about 70% of the population. When it starts activities aligned with its instinct, the Sacral energy is generative and almost limitless. But when we force it to do something, its energy is degenerative because the Sacral knows that it is exhausting in vain.
In anatomy, the sacral is associated with the ovaries and testicles. That’s the reason why this center explains how we manage intimate relationships and the obstacles we may have in our sex life.
The energy we have, to face life and carry out the projects that come to us, depends on the definition or non-definition of our Sacral.
The Root is both a pressure and a motor center. It turns stress and adrenaline into energy to allow us to evolve, adapt and face the trials of life by surpassing ourselves. The natural state of the Root is to have your feet on the ground in joy and tranquility. It allows us physical manifestation through the act and to keep life in motion.
In anatomy, this center is connected to the adrenal glands that allow us to manage stress situations by the secretion of adrenaline. It is important to find the right balance in the functioning of our adrenal system so that the pressure of the Root remains a motor and creative energy because having too much adrenaline is destructive for our organism.
Our natural state, our ability to take action and our way of managing stress depends on the definition or non-definition of our Root center.
Authorities in Human Design